Monday, March 14, 2016

Next planning meeting is Thursday, April 7 from 6 - 7 PM in JH Orchestra Room

Hope to see you there!

Here are the leadership notes from the last meeting, provided by Bev Mastalski:

Bev Mastalski:  Program, Fundraising, Grantwriting

Linda Zheng: Paperwork

Rachel Schiera:  Student Social Event, Stage Logistics, Grantwriting

Laura Herrington:  Gift/Tote Bags

These roles can be fluid for now, until we see how much work each role takes.  I don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed! I applied for a Walmart grant last week, and should hear about it within 90 days.  I asked for $2500, which was the maximum available for a Walmart Community Grant.  I outlined the snack/water needs, the academic scavenger hunt/social opportunity, and the gift/tote bag requests as well as pencils, erasers, and notebooks for the bags.  I am really hopeful that this will come through.  If it doesn't, we can apply again, or consider applying through Sam's Club.

Sharon and I are going to work on a Costco grant, also. 

I have signed a contract with Park Inn for housing/breakfasts, and we have security lined up through our school security guards.  I am working on a couple of other contracts, and will be meeting soon with Eleanor Sherry to discuss our cafeteria meals.

The whole process is a little bit daunting, but with your support, we are moving forward, and the plans are going well.  Many schools are noticing that we are working ahead, and are pleased with our progress!

I'll have more to report at our meeting on April 7.

Thanks so much, everyone!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

We are off to a great start!

We had a very successful trip to Regional Orchestra last weekend, and we've come back with some new ideas.  I'm including pictures here to demonstrate ways that we can prepare for next year's festival.

The director's food table was amazing at this festival.  One person ran the whole thing, and it was very fancy.  I don't think ours needs to be so elaborate.  There were finger sandwiches and cheese the first afternoon...

...with plenty of coffee and tea.

Friday morning we found a beautiful breakfast table, and 
Friday afternoon, there was an amazing dessert buffet.  

At the concert, there were numerous tables.  This one was for parents to sign that they were onsite to pick up their children after the concert.  I have not seen this before, but it was a GREAT idea!

I have also never seen PMEA teachers selling tickets, but that was the case here.  Instead of purchasing "tickets," the concert program served as the ticket.  They ran into a snag when they ran out of concert programs...something to keep in mind.

Most festivals have an introductory time when a school administrator speaks, then a PMEA person, and then the guest conductor.  I will work to keep this "talking" time to 5 minutes or less!!!!  However, we will need the podium set up somewhere.

Please help me remember to bring up the "school posters" in our next meeting.

More on that soon...